Local SEO
Did you know that, Missing profiles and incorrect data about your business are costing you rank, traffic and sales?
Our technology allows you to claim, control, and update information about your business across all the sites in our network to grab the attention of consumers who are using these sites on their devices. Consumers today are mobile, omnichannel and more educated than ever about a business or local services via review sites and industry sites. They expect detailed information about a business and relevant, timely information at the first click that they use to make buying decisions.
You can track up to 50 keywords in our platform to understand where the URL you include in the business section ranks on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Google Maps. Having consistent, accurate data about your business and fully optimized profiles with relevant, timely information available to consumers should improve your rank.
Benefit from our software and boost your brand with local seo and ratings
Generate more reviews and manage them from one dashboard
Benefit from our software and boost your brand with local seo and ratings
Review generation
Reviews are playing a huge role in SEO. Our system gives you the ability to request reviews from happy customers after you have serviced them, and will help you get more positive reviews. Reviews are positively influencing search engines ranking and potential customers decisions.
Since reviews are a primary Google ranking factor, it is important to get a steady stream of reviews, get high scores, and have reviews contain descriptive content about your specific services. Our review generation feature allows you to quickly send out requests to your happy customers following an engagement via either email or SMS text message. You can track these through the funnel to see who has opened the email, left a review and their comments. Many businesses are not actively doing this today, but we feel it is important to get feedback (both positive and negative) from your customers and use that to improve your business.